Friday, May 4, 2012

TV Stand Dilemna

Project #2 for the Marrieds

When I returned home after college I purchased a few miscellaneous pieces of furniture that served specific the time. Since then a lot has changed. I now own a flat screen TV,  I use a cable/DVR box and no longer have use for a DVD player. Change was necessary!!!! IKEA sofa table from the Hermnes Collection to the rescue! Check out the before and after...



I was able to successfully put the new furniture together with the help of Dear Husband and the music of Snarky Puppy. We also used storage boxes from IKEA for optimal use of our new piece. Each box is labeled. 

Box 1: Stationery (cards, stationery, stamps etc...)
Box 2: Her Receipts
Box 3: His Receipts
Box 4: Contracts
Box 5: Home Office Supplies (printing paper, stapler, etc...)
Box 6: DVDs
Box 7: DVDs
Box 8: Important Docs

Now its time for a bigger flat screen TV!!!!

Happy Organizing!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Foolishness and Mayhem

So, I am now a married woman and the organizing had been put on pause... I am back in the game of putting things in order...The first order of business was the hall closet.

There was an abundance of foolishness and mayhem overflowing from the hall closet that really had no business there i.e., a baseball bat, salt for the snow, 4 pair of women's tennis shoes that did not belong to me, paint, paint remover, trashbags, gardening tools... a mess!

To get started I pulled everything out and placed them in "like" piles. I recycled the out-of-date phone books, seperated the trash from the items to be donated and then put everything else in place. Luckily I had two similar looking baskets in the basement from wedding presents that I was able to put to good use. One basket was dedicated to the rain boots, snow boots and gardening shoes while the other basket now holds all the hats, gloves and scarves that were worthy of keeping.

So take a look at project #1 for "The Married's"

Friday, April 16, 2010

Closet Therapy! Spring Cleaning Part II

Spring is here! It is time to sort through and get rid of the unnecessary items taking space in your closet. With a few uninterrupted hours, set the mood with good music and you should be ready to go. You will need matching hangers and coordinating storage containers. Begin with four sorting stations, be it a flat surface, four bags or four boxes. Station 1 = Keep-Items you wear on a regular basis that fit appropriately Station 2 = Dry-Clean/Mend- Items you can wear but they need help Station 3 = Donate- Items in good condition with no stains or holes Station 4 = Trash- Items with stains, holes etc… Start by pulling items of clothing out of your closet, try them on individually. It is important to see every item of clothing and its full potential. Remember the blouse you tried on for work that was bulging at its buttons? Or how about the skirt that shows your panty line? Remove these types of items from your closet. If still in good condition give these items away or donate them to a charity, but be sure to get a receipt for your taxes! Continue to sort until your closet is empty. The remaining clothes in your closet should only bring you JOY and COMPLIMENTS! Prior to restocking your closet be creative, the arrangement of the clothing can help you choose your outfit for the day faster. If you have a shelf above the rod in your closet use this space to store hand bags in baskets or clear bins. This space can also be used to stack shoes in clear boxes. Hanging shelves are perfect for folded items such as light weight sweaters or workout clothes that need to breathe easy. If every item of clothing, shoe and hand bag is not visible label the container it is in. This will make your life easier, I promise! If you’re like me, closet space is limited. To avoid an overstuffed closet, store your seasonal clothes in a different location. Storage containers that are airtight along with good old fashioned moth balls will keep your cashmere, knit and wool gear out of harms way. Cedar balls or blocks, or herbal sachets are all preferable alternatives to the moth ball variety. It is definitely pleasing to the eye when you have like hangers as well as storage containers/bins that coordinate. When outfitting your closet with storage options it is not necessary to be matchy, matchy but a neutral theme creates a clean canvas for your clothing. Your closet can become an extension of your bedroom if you work it just right! All of the items mentioned can be purchased from the following websites:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Rebirth of "Get IT Organized!"

Ladies and Gentlemen! Introducing the rebirth of "Get IT Organized!"
With lots of encouragement I have decided to start blogging about my passion for organizing again! It has been a year and a lot has happened! I have changed day jobs, resigned from my weekend job, got engaged (YAY!), changed my diet and the wedding is around the corner!!!! (Double YAY!)

Anyone have an overflowing closet? A pantry full to the brim? Old pictures that need proper storage? The best solution to preserving your child's precious artwork? Please feel free to send your questions and I will do my best to give you user friendly solutions for situations! I'm ready for you!

COMING SOON! Check in as I redecorate/ organize my Master Bedroom for two!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Cleaning Part I: Paper Busters

Hey Ya'll! You know what time of year it is!!!!! Time to shape up to ship out all the unnecessary clutter in your life! I like to get started with paper!!!!! We accumulate so much paper! You must sort through all visible paper. This usually consists of magazines (which I love), newspapers, receipts and most of all mail!!!! 
 a. Magazines: Choose magazines you would die without and put them in magazine organizers. They are sold in many creative colors and prints or they can be fabric, leather, wooden, plastic, acrylic, cardboard, etc... Recycle what you don't want. 

b. Newspapers: Thank goodness newspapers are recyclable too! If you must, cut out the articles of high interest to you and scrapbook them!!!! Yes, I said SCRAPBOOK! You'll hear more about that in upcoming blogs from this organize girl!!!! 

c. Receipts: Receipts can become a nuisance if not contained properly. I like to keep receipts in a small file folder that snaps closed. It is categorized as follows; Accessories, Bank, Clothing, Cosmetics, Entertainment, Food, Target, Walmart, Miscellaneous, etc... in alphabetical order, of course. This proves very helpful during tax season too! 
d. Mail: Finally, mail! The mother of all paper drama! I try my best to sort mail as soon as it comes in the house. I immediately put all junk mail in the recycle bin that way its out of the way! Then I open important mail like bank statements, bills, etc...a good way to eliminate mounds of mail is by paying bills online. I find paying through my bank instead of going from website to website is helpful as well. They will do it automatically each month if you want them to and they will send you a notice when it clears. Simple as that! 

 Stay tuned for Part II!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Organize Yourself!

7 Ways To Start Fresh!
1. Identify and eliminate everything you are currently "tolerating" but don’t love.
2. Automate everything that can be automated; your bills, bank and credit card statements etc...
3. Eliminate toxic people from your life. They only distract and slow you down.
4. Decide who affects your life and how. Its your choice so choose wisely.
5. Decide to only do business with people you like trust and respect.
6.Work out and eat well for you, not for anyone else. You'll look better because you'll feel, breathe, sleep, think, relax, work and play better. We all need maximum energy!
7. Refuse to participate in anything negative, including gossip, unnecessary sacrasm, and one-upmanship. Replace all talk of the past with talk of the ideal future.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to my Organizing Blog!

Hello Folks!

I have decided to start an organizing blog. For those of you that know me you know that organizing is one of my ways to survive in life. With out organization we would be in a constant state of confusion! Everything would be lost under everything else! I would like to share with you how I make organizing work for me!!! I hope you enjoy! Let me your comments. I'd love to hear your thoughts.